Heaton Mersey Methodist Church
Heaton Mersey Methodist Church

Family Church

At Heaton Mersey Methodist Church we aim to make our family worship a time of sharing together and talking about what God has to say to us in the 21st century. Family Church is an informal event for the whole family which usually happens on the second Sunday in the month at 10.45am.


We like to talk, make things, listen and share breakfast.  We enjoy sharing good news, celebrating birthdays and following Jesus’ example of loving one another.  We would love you to come and join us!


Family Church happens on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Our upcoming dates are: 

14th July (Moses).

8th September (Joshua).

13th October (Ruth).

10th November (Judges).

8th December (Nativity).


For more information contact Sarah by email Sarah@hmmc.org.uk  or phone 07708 653714  We are also on Facebook – search Heaton Mersey Methodist Church.

Jacob's Ladder- May 2024


In May, we heard the story of Jacob's ladder stretching all the way up to heaven.  Of course, this meant that we had to see if we could break the record for the tallest tower in church, as well as making lots of angels to climb up it.

Rebekah and Isaac- February 2024


This month, we heard about Rebekah visiting the well, and offering water to the camels belonging to Abraham's servant.  We made some bracelets of our own, to remember the ones given to Rebekah.

Noah's Ark- October 2023


We heard the story of Noah and his Ark, including having a go at building our own boats and filling them with two of every kind of animal.  

Creation- September 2023


We enjoyed exploring the Creation Story, with a different activity for each day.  

Ezekiel- March 2023


At Family Church this month, we heard about the prophet Ezekiel, and how he talked to people about God using the example of skeletons.

Jeremiah- February 2023


We made these fun creatures from clay, as part of learning about the prophet Jeremiah who used the example of a potter and a broken pot to tell people about God.  

Moses- January 2023


In January, we started hearing about some of the prophets in the Bible.  The people God sent to spread his word amongst the people here on earth.  We heard about Moses, who God spoke to from out of a burning bush, and them parted the Red Sea so that Moses could lead his people to safety.  

Queen Esther- November 2022


At November's Family Church, we learned about the story of Queen Esther, a very brave woman who saved her people from a plot to destroy them.  We made a "golden" stick like the one that the King used to pardon and welcome Esther.  

King Solomon- October 2022


At Family Church in October, we discovered the story of King Solomon, who built the temple in Jerusalem, and had a go at creating our own temples using Megablox and wrapping paper bricks.  We even made some (autumn) trees to remember those given my the King of Lebanon.  Afterwards, we played a game of proverbs, as Solomon was a vey wise king.  The favourite proverb was, "Grown-ups like going to work when it is raining zebra fish".  

Saturday Story Time- May 2022


Our Saturday story for May was the Wise and Foolish Builders.  We made some models to show the two different houses that were built, and did some practical demonstrations using the wooden blocks.  

Family Church - March 2022


At Family Church in March, we thought about the parable of the Lost Sheep, particularly about the character and role of the shepherd.  A shepherd searches out food for the sheep, so we planted some cress seeds to remind us of how God provides.  The shepherd knows that it won’t always be easy for the sheep.  Sometimes they have to travel across empty, desert spaces, but the shepherd leads them through.  Sometimes, there is the threat from other animals, like lions and bears.  But the shepherd keeps his flock together, even sleeping with them, to make sure that they are safe.  He also employs some rather unusual looking dogs to move in amongst the sheep without being recognised by the predators.  So, we made our own flock of sheep, huddled together under the protection of the shepherd.  We had great fun looking for sheep, and re-telling the story. 

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